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Shortcut TroubleshootingUpdated 10 months ago

Troubleshooting Issues with Shortcut Features

1. Shortcut Not Triggering

If you find that your Shortcut isn’t activating at all, follow these steps to troubleshoot:

  • Check Device Integration: Begin by reviewing the setup of your Shortcut. Ensure that all intended devices are correctly added and configured within the Shortcut settings. It’s crucial that each device is properly integrated to function as part of the Shortcut. You can follow the steps HERE.

2. Shortcut Not Holding/ Being Ignored

Review Shortcut Settings: If your Shortcut seems to activate but doesn't maintain its state or is being ignored, a review of its settings is in order. Shortcuts can be configured to maintain their state under specific conditions. Ensure your Shortcut is set to one of the following options:

  • Hold Until I Choose: This setting ensures the Shortcut remains active until you manually decide to deactivate it.
  • Decide When to Apply: Opt for this setting to have the Shortcut activate under specific conditions you’ve defined.
  • Geofence and Shared User Conflicts

    • Geofence Interferences: Check if there’s a geofence set up that might be inadvertently affecting your Shortcut. Geofences can trigger different commands based on location, which might conflict with your Shortcut’s operation. You can verify this by following the steps HERE

    • Shared User Settings: Consider the role of shared users who might be within the geofence. Their presence could be preventing the Shortcut from triggering as intended. Shared users within the geofence might have settings that override or conflict with your Shortcut commands.

Still having issues? Reach out to our dedicated all-human Customer Experience team.

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