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Error codes

How to fix an error code on the Mysa display?

Find out what they mean and how to fix them. It is important to try to clear the error by rebooting the Mysa. Some errors are very rare and may only be seen once. In these cases, it is not necessary to perform any additional actions. For Mysa for Bas

Error code H2

What to do if Mysa shows an H2 Error Code. An H2 error occurs when there is an open heating circuit, preventing Mysa from detecting a heater load. In most cases, this suggests that the wires connecting your Mysa to your heater may be either loose or

Error Code: H3

What to do if Mysa shows an H3 Code. Mysa utilizes GFCI in order to maintain your safety, and avoid any unnecessary damage to your heating system.If the GFCI has tripped this may be due to an issue with the wiring of the device and we strongly encour

Error Code H4

What to do if Mysa shows an H4 Error Code. An H4 error can indicate an installation issue such as mis-wiring, or exceeding the maximum amperage and wattage limits of the Mysa device. If this error occurs, please try to reboot your Mysa thermostat fir