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How to fix an error code on the Mysa display?Updated 8 months ago

Find out what they mean and how to fix them. 

Rebooting Mysa 

It is important to try to clear the error by rebooting the Mysa. Some errors are very rare and may only be seen once. In these cases, it is not necessary to perform any additional actions. 

For Mysa for Baseboard Heaters, this can be done by

  • Removing the faceplate on your Mysa. Follow the steps below: 

    • Unscrew the faceplate - there’s a small screw at the bottom of your Mysa.

    • Carefully slide off the faceplate. 

    • Keep it unattached for 5-10 minutes. 

    • Carefully reattach the faceplate. Be careful not to bend the pins that connect it to the base of your Mysa! 

    • Your Mysa will take a few seconds to reboot.

  • Flipping the breaker controlling your Mysa OFF, waiting around 30 seconds, and flipping it back ON.

Warning! High Voltage!!
Any work with high voltage equipment can be dangerous or even fatal if you do not take proper precautions. You should never work with live wires.

Some Common Error Codes and what they mean. 



H2 (V1/V2)

The H2 error is a result of an open heating circuit, resulting in Mysa not detecting a heater load.

H3 (INF)

The H3 error is a result of the GFCI trip. 

H4 (V2)

The H4 error is a result of the relay being stuck closed. This may happen due to installation issue such as mis-wiring, or exceeding the maximum amperage and wattage limits of the Mysa device.

I3 (INF) 

The I3 error may occur when the floor sensor is loose or is out of the accepted range.

More Details for the most common error codes and how to troubleshoot: 

H2 error code

H3 error code

H4 error code

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