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I updated my password or router - How do I reconnect my thermostat?Updated a year ago

Got a new router or updated your password?

Please make sure you new router has a dedicated 2.4Ghz network. 

Changing your router or its password interrupts the connection to your Mysa device. But don't worry, reconnecting is straightforward. Simply follow the steps outlined below to quickly re-establish your device’s connection and continue enjoying the comfort and convenience of your Mysa thermostat.

1. Check for the Pairing Symbol: First, take a look at your thermostat. If you see an upside-down triangle or a Bluetooth symbol, your device is ready to pair.

  • Proceed to Pair: Open the Mysa app on your smartphone. Tap on the three lines in the top left corner and select "Add Thermostat." Then, simply follow the on-screen instructions to complete the regular pairing process.

  Wifi pairing symbol

Bluetooth pairing symbol

  1. 2. No Symbol? Let’s Reset: If the pairing symbol isn’t displayed, a quick reset is all you need.

    • Reset Your Thermostat: Press and hold the up and down arrows simultaneously until the countdown completes. Once done, the pairing mode symbol (an inverted triangle or Bluetooth symbol) will appear, indicating that your thermostat is ready to connect.

    • Reconnect in the App: Now, head back to the Mysa app and select "Add Thermostat" to get your device back online.

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