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How to maximize your Mysas for summer energy savings.Updated 2 months ago

Maximizing Summer Energy Savings with Mysa

Summer brings warmth and the opportunity to optimize your Mysa devices for energy efficiency, even as the heating season winds down. Here are five expert tips to leverage Mysa for Baseboard and In-Floor heating systems for savings all summer long.

1. Turning Off Your Mysa Devices

  • Directly from the Device: Simply press and hold the 'down' arrow on your Mysa device until a flat line appears on the display.
  • Via the Mysa App: Go to the Control section, tap on Mode Control, and select Off. If you have schedules, set them to "hold until I change it."

2. Managing Multiple Devices

  • Simplified Control: Activate Vacation mode and choose "Hold Off Until I Change It" to apply an off setting across all your Mysas simultaneously.

3. Geofencing During Summer

  • Optimal Setting: Disable Geofencing to prevent any automatic overrides of your Mysa's Off mode. Note: There's no need to delete any shortcut actions linked to Geofencing.

4. Scheduling in the Off Season

  • Maintain Your Schedules: With your Mysa set to Off and on a "hold until I change it" basis, your device will ignore any pre-set heating schedules, ensuring no unnecessary energy use.

5. Reactivating Your Mysa When Needed

  • Easy Activation: Whether through the 'Up' arrow on the device, selecting Heat in the Mysa app under Mode Control, or using a smart home assistant like Alexa, HomeKit, or Google Assistant, turning your Mysa back on is effortless.

By adopting these strategies, you can ensure that your Mysa heating systems contribute to your home's energy efficiency throughout the summer, allowing you to enjoy both comfort and cost savings.

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