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Rebate FAQ'sUpdated 7 months ago

What are Utility Rebates for smart thermostats?

Utility Rebates for smart thermostats are incentive programs run by local utility providers or governments to encourage the adoption of smart thermostats in residential homes. The goal is to make energy-efficient home upgrades more accessible by reducing the cost of purchasing smart thermostats. These rebates usually come in the form of a discount at point of purchase, cash back, or electricity bill credits.

Why is my order not processed or processed without the rebate even though I'm eligible?

A: When using a rebate, make sure to use the standard checkout process, not to use any of the Express Checkout options, as they are not compatible with applying rebates.

What types of rebates programs are there?

Typically there are two types of rebate programs:

  1. Instant Rebate: With instant rebates the discount is applied right at the point of purchase. Instant rebates usually require you to make the purchase at a specific online shop (such as or in-person retail store  (such as BestBuy). The rebate amount, qualifying purchase locations and requirements vary for each program, so make sure to check out your utility provider’s website for the program details.
  2. Mail-In Rebate: Mail-in rebates require you to first make a purchase and then submit proof of the purchase in order to receive the value of the rebate as a credit or cash back. The process of submitting proof of purchase varies depending on the rebate provider. Most utility providers offering energy efficiency rebates have an online application form that helps reduce processing time and will ask for information such as your utility account number, product details like make and model, and the date of purchase. 

Keep in mind that there’s typically a deadline for submitting an application (xx number of days after your purchase), so make sure to check out your utility provider’s website for the program details.

Can I combine rebates with other discounts or promotions on Mysas?

Potentially. While all rebates are different, you may be able to combine some rebates with our existing promotions, bundle discounts (exclusively on or any coupon codes you might have. Please see rebate details or reach out to Customer Support for verification.

 How do I know if I’m eligible for a rebate on a Mysa?

Most rebate programs require you to be the homeowner of the home where the smart thermostats will be installed. To verify this, utilities will usually ask you to provide your utility account number either during check out or in the mail-in rebate application form. Utility providers have the final authority on who is eligible or not for their programs.

How do I apply for a mail-in rebate?

A: You just need to fill out an application form provided by your utility provider and submit it along with your proof of purchase (such as your order confirmation email from Mysa). You can find the link to the application form for each program Mysa participates in on our rebate page.

 Are Utility Rebates the same as Demand Response or Peak Rewards programs?

 No. Utility rebates are discounts offered on the purchase of a Mysa, whereas Demand Response and Peak Rewards programs come into play as you use your Mysa on an on-going basis. Utilizing rebates for your smart thermostats does not automatically opt you in to any demand response or peak rewards program your utility provider offers. We will always communicate with you separately if your Mysas are eligible for any demand response or peak rewards programs and you will have the choice to opt in or out.

Can I Redeem an Instant Rebate After I’ve Already Made a Purchase?

A: If you purchased a product in-store or from an online retailer before realizing there was an instant rebate offered by your utility, you can usually submit proof of your purchase via an application form that your utility provides. In most cases, the rebate will be offered as a credit on your next utility bill. 

What can I do if there isn’t a rebate being offered for my area?

If you don’t qualify for any of the rebates listed on our website, we encourage you to sign up for our mailing list where we announce new rebates as they become available. If you know of a rebate we haven’t featured, please let us know!


To discover what rebates are available for other types of energy-efficiency upgrades like insulation, heat pumps, or smart light bulbs, we recommend contacting your utility provider or searching phrases like “energy rebates [insert city/state/province]” or “rebates on [insert product] [insert city/state/province]” in Google.

Why is my order not processed or processed without the rebate even though I'm eligible?

A: When using a rebate, make sure to use the standard checkout process, not to use any of the Express Checkout options, as they are not compatible with applying rebates.

For any inquiries or support, reach out to our dedicated all-human Customer Experience team.

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